What does SAMR model refer to?


SAMR Model has different four layers.The first two focus on enhancing while the next two focus on transforming.

The first step:Technology acts like a mere substitution.with some functional improvement.For instance a student writes an essay on a laptop and save it.

The second step: With augmentation the essay that student wrote is now on the google document which enables classmates to leave comments on one another's work.

The third step:In modification layer,technology allows students to redesign task.The shared essay is now on the blog site.Students research,edit and publish online.They no longer work individually.In addition The essay turned into an article which can be read by the world.

The last step:In redefiniton level,Students not only work cooperately but also they gain deeper understanding about how experts think.So that the same essay is now a multimedia package.In the last level technology enables students to produce more than one multifunctional works.

Through SAMR model from enhacement to transformation levels the technology task become more transformative.

The creator of SAMR model Ruben Puentedura says In classes which is applied SAMR model Students take charge of their own education and they are not waiting something to happen.Instead,they say oh wait! We've been doing this but I also want to do this other thing and I can see a better way of doing that.They have excitement,joy and ownership of their works.

So,lastly a continual re-examination of practice allows teachers to make the best possible use of the technology to accomplish their goals and to keep passion alive.

