What is the TPACK MODEL


TPACK(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)Model is an approach that looks at combination of what teachers know(Content Knowledge), how they teach(Pedagogical Knowledge) and the role of technology in order to better impact on student learning.

So as to apply TPACK model, consider three domains;

The first one:Content Knowledge(CK) is the expertise of a teacher in her/his branch.
These disciplines can be science,math,social studies, language arts and all of the core curricular areas.

The second one:Pedagocial Knowledge(PK) is how a teacher uses his/her specialized knowledge to create effective teaching and learning atmospheres for each student.

Most of the scholars think that It is the best when teachers intersect CK and PK (PCK).
But,recently some scholars like Matthew Kohler have added a new component to this combination,which is the last one (TK)

The last one:Technological Knowledge (TK)  refers to knowledge of a teacher in tools including how to select,use and integrate technology into your teaching way.It is not only about devices but also websites,apps and games for learning process.

TPACK model is used for better, deeper and more lasting understanding in a subject area.

I will be attaching about TPACK model which you can check. 



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