The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning


Dr.Richard Mayer has developed Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning to understand how we can make use of multimedia instruction.

As soon as learners take multimedia presentation their brain create logical models to help them to understand and remember it and the brain is composed of  three memory stores which are sensory working and long-term memory.

How brain process this information?
Firstly , The brain processes information through two channels(duel channels).First one is auditorial channel which processes music,narration and other auditorial elements and the other one is visual channel which processes pictures and animation.
Secondly, Each of these channels have limited capacity.Learner can take a little information in each channel at one time.
Thirdly, Learning is an active process of filtering,selecting,organizing and integrating information based upon prior knowledge in the brain.

In the process of information Brain take information and store in the sensory memory for a very brief moment then brain start to work with this information in order to learn and in the working memory brain will store relevant images and relevant sounds in the seperate coherent fields which are verbal and pictoral mode.In the final part learner integrate these two set information with his/her prior knowledge.Once they are meaningfully combined with each other the new information can move to long-term memory.

