Heyyo Guyss!!!
I hope you are all fine.

In this post my aim is to explain what is seesaw and how it works.

Let's get to it!!!

Seesaw is a student engagement platform that motivates and inspired kids of all ages to perform their best while also saving teachers time! To capture learning in a portfolio, students use creative tools to snap pictures, sketch, film movies, and more. Teachers find or design activities for students to participate in.

To understand how Seesaw works I created a teacher account for myself and I started to use it.After signing up I opened up a class and assigned an activity.To see how students complete it I did the activity as a sample student and I saw that It is really great.It opens new possibilities for language learning.As a future teacher I think I can easily adjust this tool for my classes and I am pretty sure that Students are going to like and want to study more with this crazy tool.

Now I want to share my account with you!

This is a screenshot from English class which you can see assigned activities.

Here,You can either a create an assignment for your students or go to the community select subject and Grade and you will see countless ready-to-assign activities from other teachers.

Lastly I created a creative and interesting assignment for you as well!! Go seesaw open an account and try to do my activity as well.The link will be attached.I cannot wait to see your responses :) 

Do not forget to write in comments if something is wrong or want to ask more questions

